Thursday, January 7, 2010

2009 recap 2010 restart

So I was going to do this blog like a week ago but I keeped on forgetting. LOL So I am going to do it now while it fresh on my brain.

2009 was a tough year for me emotionally and spiritually. Let me start at the beginning:

January started as a normal new year. I was newly pregnant and we were readjusting to the pregancy thing again.. Then about a week into the new year, tradgedy struck and I miscarried that pregnancy unfortunatley. Looking back now, I think I went back to work too soon. I only took 2 days off. I really should have taken at least 4 or 5 days. But I pushed myself to get back onto my feet. The rest on January went by uneventful. I guess that was enough stress to deal with in one month huh?

February was a fresh start. Valentines day came and went with no major crisis. At the end of February I even went on a Mom's Night Out. Guess you ladies will never know what happen at that club huh? LOL Oh and Baby Got Back?

March and April went by and this is when we switched churches. We switched our family over to a brand new church that was starting out. So we were adjusting to a new church family and still trying to find our feet in with God.

May started and I realized that something was wrong with me. I was not the happy person I was just a few months ago. So I went to the doctor and told him what was going on and I was diagnoised with post partum depression. I didn't even know that women could get that when they miscarried but the doctor told me that 7 out of 10 women that miscarry end up with it because of the hormones for one leaving the body and then the loss of the child. That makes sense to me now. So they put me on an anti depressive.

June was very uneventful. But we were starting to prepare for Carly's 2nd birthday party which was enough for me to handle.

July is when our sweet little baby turned 2. She wasn't a baby or a toddler anymore. She is a big girl. :( So sad she is growing up so fast. We had a big party and a bunch of her friends attended to make it even more special. Fun times. But as the end of July came around things started going sour with a bunch of my friends and we stopped communicating at that time. That was hard for me to deal with but onto the next month I had to go.

August started our busy period. My sister's birthday is in August so is James' sister too. And they are close together as well. We like to think of August through December as our busy period.

Spetember was uneventful as well. Working and taking care of Carly.

October. Talk about a busy month! James has his birthday in October as does his brother in law, my brother and James' mom! Plus Halloween on top of that. Carly went to several events for Halloween. Loaded up on the candy that we got to eat! ;)

November we had our vacation. We took vacation during our 6th year anniversary. And of my gosh it was one of the best anniversarys ever! Sunday night of our anniversary we went to dinner and a movie, which we NEVER do. That Monday we went to Duplin Winery which was SO much fun! We also got the chance to stay with James cousins up near Raleigh for our first overnight stay with Carly. It didn't go too bad. Of course we had Thanksgiving with our family which was great! I also attended a babyshower with all those friends of mine that we had gotten disconected from. The shower was great and that got us all to talk. It made me realize how much I missed them all.

December was a rush of events too! My birthday, my dad's birthday and of course our Heavenly Father's birthday. But in the middle of all that we had another life altering event. I found out I was pregnant again. But this time I didn't tell anyone. Not even James. 2 days later I miscarried. Another hard event for me to overcome, by myself this time, but it really wasn't anywhere near as hard as the last time. I continued to work as normal. And do the things I normally do. I did finally tell James what happen so you guys don't need to lecture me on that! :D We decided between the two of us that we are hanging up the stocking of trying to get pregnant for now. If it happens ok but we are not going to try anymore. I need to take care of myself. Santa Clause came and went and the child got ENTIRELY too mush for Christmas... Thanks Santa! ;) And to wind out the year on New Year's Eve we were in bed asleep by 10pm tops! LOL We were so tired.

So that is the recap from 2009. On to 2010...

We are only 1 week into 2010 and we have already made some very important decisions in our life:

~No more meals out! We realized that we eat out WAY too much. At least 3-4 times a week. So we have limited ourselfs to 1 dinner out a week. Pizza or chinesse food or McDonald's burgers. That's it. No more buying munch at work for me, or stopping at McDonald's on the way home.

~We cut out our home phone and cable. We now only have basic basic cable. You know the local channel plus a few extras. We have the magicJack for our home phone service and so far we like it. We subscribed to NetFlix so we won't get bored and we already LOVE it.

~We cut our grocery budget down. We are still unsure of exactly how much we need to keep it too but we will get a number as the months go by.

~Our goal is to be able to save $250.00 by the end of the month. I know that isn't a lot but we are taking baby steps to get to where we want to be.

That's about it for now. I am exhausted after typing all of this! LOL Just a little recap of our life last year and so far this year. Lwt me close by thanking God for everything we have acheived so far and allowing me to share mt story. :)

God bless all of you, oh and please, I know most of you are finding out about our 2nd miscarriage for the first time, don't worry about us. We are good, and it is all in God's hands!