Monday, November 24, 2008

Tis the season right?

Don't you love this time of year? People get cranky, fussy, upset and start yelling at you because you made a mistake? Yeah... Lovin' it!

But this post is NOT going to be about that stuff. It is going to be about giving.

Now, we are by NO means at a point in our lives were we can give out money to everyone who needs it. I would love to be able to do that one day but for now here's what I want to do.

I found a family today on WilmingtonYardSales who are in desperate need of help. The husband just got laid off from his job, they have 4 children who are 19, 17,17 and 10. This family also has a sister whose husband just had a quadruple bypass surgery and can't work and that family has a 12 month old. Now, I do not know these people, I haven't talked to them over the phone but I have this feeling that I need to try to heelp them. They are asking for prayers and I know everyone who reads my blogs will pray for them. But here is what else I want to do.

These families are not going to have much of a Christmas this year. I have rummaged around my house and found somethings that I no longer use. The families do not care if the items are new or used. So I have a couple things already. Mostly for the baby, well because that is all we have right now. I can't go out and buy them anything but something is telling me to do something.

I sat around for a little while after reading their plea and was thinking that someone else would help them out. Well, I got a quick wake up call and I can't even explain what happen but God was telling me to help them. This is all in His plan. And this situation really ties in to what our Pastor was preaching on Sunday. Greed.

He challenged us to go through our boxes we have hoarded away and give it away or sell it builds God's kingdom. I was going to sell this stuff when I read about this family, I am just going to give it away to them. I fanyone would like to help me with this family I can send you sizes and stuff that they like.

But this posts is not just for this family. We as people are greedy. We like to hoard everything thinking that maybe one day we will use it. Maybe you will use it one day, maybe you won't. But instead of hoarding it, why not give it to someone who can use it now. It will be out of your way and the other person will be very greatful. Even if its something small, trust me you will feel amazing afterwards.

I have not given anything to this family yet but just thinking about helping them makes me feel awesome. Just think if everyone could adopt a family in need...


Randi Jo :) said...

what a sweet & sensitive heart you have Dawn. this is awesome.

I got your email - and I don't think I will be able to give anything on the 'list' --- but we can probably give SOMETHING. I'll talk it over with Brandon. It is so important to help those around us. thanks for the reminder again.

that's so awesome that you felt the Spirit nudging you to help & you acted on it. just beautiful! :)


Randi Jo :) said...

p.s. and yes I go in blogging spurts. sometimes I don't blog for a while - others it's like 5 in one day hehe. I'll get on a spurt again soon! :) xoxo

252_D said...

Great post Dawn! Time to clean out the "stuff" in my "barn." It was a great sermon eh? Happy Thanksgiving to you, James and Carly.

-Derik, Allison, Jacob