Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Life-Changing Moment

We went to church again today and we were a little more comfortable today. We both had just gone to the Marriage Retreat and meet a lot of new couples who we got to know a little better. While we were at service today, Pastor Kelly asked us to bow our heads in prayer and asked us to come to the alter for specific reasons. And to be honest, I didn't think I would be one of those people to get up and kneel in front of the whole congregation and ask God for help. Well, while we were praying I got this jolt of emotion. It overcame me and poured over my heart. And I knew that was the Holy Spirit encoraging me to go up to the alter and ask Jesus to help me find my way. I started to cry with emotion and that moment was the best moment I have felt in a long time. I didn't know what to do with myself. So James and I went and kneeled up front and I prayed harder for Him to continue to help me along this journey. I know He will. I will find my way back to Him.


Randi Jo :) said...

The Spirit was totally at work!!

The fact that you heard that still & quiet voice and it was a very emotional experience is extremely powerful.... the fact that you acted on it says a lot about your faith and what God is doing in your heart.

You are influencing others with that ability to listen & act... many go years in their christian walk and don't get to that point... not that we are called to compare -- because it's not about comparison at all --- but my point is just to encourage you that you already have such a wonderful testimony Dawn!! God is gonna use you in great ways. He is already!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you went up front to pray. I know you'll feel more comfortable the more people you meet.