Sunday, October 26, 2008

I awoke this morning...

not knowing what exactly to expect. My heart had already belonged to God but today was the day for me to publicly announce it to the world. Now, I have never been baptized. I have never seen anyone get baptized before. This was going to be a brand new experiance for me. I had just found out yesterday that James was going to get baptized with me. That was so awesome. We only get 1 chance to get baptized together and I am so glad that he decided to go with me. This was one of the best things that ever happen to me in my life. I went first and Derik had talked all of us through the baptism before it started. Then the video screen wouldn't go up. It was a little funny because no one could figure out why. So 2 other guys came back and held the screen up while we were getting baptized. Today is a day I will deffanitly remember for the rest of my life. My life is changed now. When I woke up this morning, I had 2 sisters and 1 brother. Now, I have a whole congregation of brothers and sisters that accept us as there own flesh and blood. It was all a little overwheleming because at the end of the sermon, all of us that were baptized were asked to step to the front to recieve our certificates of baptisms. As we were getting those certificates everyone stepped up to us and gave us hugs and congratualted us. We both felt like we belonged. Thanks to all my new found brothers and sisters for making us feel welecome and I hope to get to know all of you better.


Randi Jo :) said...

we were all so emotional watching you all. very powerful! :)

God loves ya so much and we love u too! :) welcome to the fam once again!!!

I will never forget yesterday.

Jenn W. said...

Congrats on your baptism! I have still not been baptized yet. The day is coming though. :)

252_D said...

So excited and praying for you and James!

Unknown said...

I'm so excited that James got baptized with you. That was his only chance with his wife and I'm glad he made it. I cried for joy. Thank you for not being ashamed, but being proud to tell others about your new walk.