Friday, September 19, 2008

Vacation is 2 weeks away...

I can't wait. I need time away from my job, away from everything for a while. It seems that the only person I can rely on is my husband and I thank God for him. He is my strength and my life. We have been married for almost 5 years now and while we have had some bad times, some really bad times, we always seem to make it work. He is the one true friend I have. This vacation is going to be interesting because I had a bunch of playdates lined up for Carly and now that they are all gone we aren't going to be doing much. It is a shame things didn't work out for us but that is ok. We are moving on and maybe this other group will be what we are looking for. More later!

1 comment:

Randi Jo :) said...

I'm so glad you all have each other too. I believe it's the most important relationship we'll have on earth.