Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just a note...

I am having my first Pampered Chef cooking show on October 8, 2008 at 6:30pm. If anyone is interested in attending (If you don't want to buy anything that's cool, I just want some support) let me know and I will get you the directions. In addition, if there is anything I can help you out with Pampered Chef wise please let me know. I am really wanting this to work out for me so I can stay at home with Carly and work when I want to. Thanks Ya'll!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

And the weekend ends... Bad.

It is Sunday night and I am so upset. James and I have had a decent weekend. Yesterday was good. Today was ok up til 5pm. We got a knock at our door arounf that time and I was in the middle of cutting up some potatoes to make some homemade potato chips. So James picked Carly up and answered the door. We thought it might be has mom since she was supposed to come over tonight. James went outside and he was out there for a while. So I thought maybe it was a door-to-door sales person, so I was going to go rescue him. I go to the door and walk outside and to my surprise it isn't either one of those people. It was one of James' old "friends".

Maybe I should explain why this man is so awful. About 18 months ago, James transferred over to day shift and meet this man. I was excited for him to begin with because he was making friends. Well, the more James and him hung out and got together, the more this man would make inappropriate comments towards me. This man is very sexist and thinks women are only good for 2 things (I will let you figure that out.) He even taught his 4 year old to slap my bottom and say "sexy." Very inappropriate. This man was married and his wife and I would talk on the phone every now and then. She has 3 kids from a previous relationship and 1 child with him. Well, about 8 months ago they "won" airline tickets and asked us to sell them for them on ebay. Well, long story short they lied to us and we ended up losing our ebay account and oweing people $600.00. Then 4 months ago this man "quit" his job, packed everything up and took off with 2 of the kids without telling his wife where he was going. So esentially he kidnapped them.

When this all happend I cut ties with both of them and I asked James to do the same. I just didn't want anything to happen to Carly or us. So when this man popped up out of the blue today (with another woman I should mention) I was furious. I went outside grabbed Carly and came back in the house. 15 minutes later James was STILL out there talking to him. So I politley stuck my head out the door and told James his mom was on her way over. 10 minutes after that he was STILL out there so I knocked on the door and thats when he came inside.

James asked why I was so mad and I had to remind him about the whole ordeal. I know James didn't mean any harm but I just can't trust this other man. He makes me feel very uncomfortable. So James sent him an email tonight telling him to not have contact with us again.
I just hope I don't see him again.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Weekend is here finally

The weekend is finally here and we can relax and enjoy each others company. It is amazing how you can be in each others prescense and not say anything and be happy. I believe we are truely happy with each other. Everyday together we grow more and more as a couple. Everyday together we learn new things about each other and love each other more than the day before. I hope that we stay together for all eternity (although my mother in law doesn't think we will. But who is she to say right?) even after death.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Just relaxing

Well, I have 7 days left until vacation starts and I can't wait! I am in desperate need of a vacation. Time to focus on my family and nuture new and old friendships. I am so beat from all this work that I have been doing lately and I feel no accomplishment. My job has become exactly that... a job. I want to do something that makes a difference, something that makes me feel good. I know what I would like to do but I just don't have a desire to go to school. And that is ok. I want a break so badly and James needs one as well. We are going to take Carly to the aquarium for the first time over our vacation. That will be fun. I am sure she will have a blast.

PS I started another blog too. It is all about my poetry if you guys are interested in reading it. Not much up there yet but there will be soon.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So much fun.

Carly and I had a playdate today with another mommy and her baby. We had a blast. It was so refreshing to just be able to talk with another mother and not have to worry about any problems that we may have in our lives. It is so nice to get to know other mothers and have Carly get to know more children.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

SO tired..

Well, I had to be at work today at 6:30 and didn't get off until 3pm. Now I have to go back in at 9pm and work until 11pm because someone didn't schedule a closing cashier. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal but the store is having a floor strip tonight and everything needs to be pulled up off the floor. Guess who gets to help with that?

Sunday, September 21, 2008


We were very productive yesterday. Cleaned out the shed and put a bunch of stuff on Wilmington Yard Sales, Love Love Love that site! After we cleaned out the shed, we decided to go get lunch and take Carly to the park. Well, she got hurt. We had to take her to the doctor and after waiting and hour and a half they say it is just a strained muscle and that there is nothing that can be done. I swear, doctors really are worthless.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Vacation is 2 weeks away...

I can't wait. I need time away from my job, away from everything for a while. It seems that the only person I can rely on is my husband and I thank God for him. He is my strength and my life. We have been married for almost 5 years now and while we have had some bad times, some really bad times, we always seem to make it work. He is the one true friend I have. This vacation is going to be interesting because I had a bunch of playdates lined up for Carly and now that they are all gone we aren't going to be doing much. It is a shame things didn't work out for us but that is ok. We are moving on and maybe this other group will be what we are looking for. More later!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

So disappointed...

I am absolutley crushed. I was supposed to go out to a Mom's night out tonight and to one of my favorite places. I was set to go, had talked it over with my hubby and everything was good. Then I get home from work today just to see that everyone had cancelled at the last minute with no explaination. This is not the first time this has happened to me with these people and now I am just tired of it. I know most of you that read my blogs are part of this group and I want to say that some of you are really great. I love you as the strong women you are and I mean not to offend you but my words cannot be unsaid any longer.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Just a fun tid bit..

So Carly is almost 15 months old. She had been walking for almost 2 months. Before she started walking she wanted nothing to do with anything on her feet. Now that she can around, all she wants is SHOES! That is the first thing she says when she wakes up in the morning. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! It is the funniest thing. This morning we are taking a lazy day and she wants me to put her shoes on her. LOL. I told her No baby no shoes this morning and she started crying. Isn't she such a little prissy thing? Just thought it was funny.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Done with the doctor

So my birth control is out and know I have to do research to find out how long it should take for my body to return to regular cycles. Now it is time for the fun past... baby making! LOL

Monday, September 15, 2008

A little anxious

Tomorrow I am going to the doctor to get my Mirena removed. James and I are ready to have another child. But I am a little nervous. My first pregnancy wasn't easy for me at all. I had a very hard time. It didn't take us all that long to get pregnant. I think it was 2 months. But I was pretty much on bedrest for the 1st 2 months because I was so sick. I actually lost 10 pounds in my first trimester. I hope things are different this time around. I am just not sure what to expect. Wish us luck!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Finally back to myself,

I am finally starting to feel like my old self again. I am so tired of being sick. With the antibiotics and anti naseua meds I am doing much better. Finally being able eat again. Food! YUMMY!

We are supposed to go to Raleigh tomorrow to see James' sister get married but with the price of gas sky rocketing here I am not sure we can afford to put gas in the car twice in 3 days. So we are going to wait until tomorrow and see what happens.

Wish us luck!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's been a couple days...

So a few days have gone by since I posted a new blog. I have been sick, really sick. I started getting sick at work on Sunday night, then at 8:30pm (while I was still at work) I started throwing up. And I kept on throwing up all through Sunday night. Then Monday came and we went to court. I was fine all through court and even ate some pizza at Fat Tony's for lunch. Well, then around 4PM I started feeling sick again. Again, at 8:30PM, I started throwing up again. So I was thinking how weird it was that I was getting sick at exactly 8:30PM 2 nights in a row. On Tuesday, I woke up neaseuse, so I went and bought a pregnancy test. It came back negative. So when James got home from work, we dropped Carly off at Mom and Dad's and took me to the dr. They drew some blood and gave me a shot to make me stop throwing up. I was out at 7:30 that night. Wednesday, I had to go to work. It was a very long day for me. I finally got home and called the dr. back and they said my blood work was fine. So they said I prob. got a bad case of food poisioning. They gave me some antibiotics and some pills so I wouldn't be sick anymore. Doctors sucks.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Just a quick one..

We were in court all day. Finally done with it. Now I feel sick. I feel like I did when I was 1st pregnant with Carly. Ugh... Not a good feeling. Will keep you guys updated.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

About last night...

Oh my goodness! I tell you I had the most fun last night out with the girls. Lots of laughing, and drinking, and singing, and drinking and talking and did I mention drinking? It was a blast. These woman were great to be around and for once and a long time I didn't feel left out or uncomfortable. I fit right in. Thank you girls for showing me a fun time. I really enjoied myself.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Vacation update...

While the storm was here last night James and I started doing some research to see what we could afford so we could get awayfor a little while. I went to hotels.com and typed in Myrtle Beach. A bunch of hotels popped up. We went to a bunch of the hotels' websites and we found one that we liked so we we put in our vacation dates. BINGO! We got an awesome deal. Fora 5 day 4 night stay the room is only going to be $158.64! CHEAP! We can afford that. It is a small room but hey we aren't going to be in the room that much anyways right? So we are very excited. Looks like things are starting to turn around for us after all.

Guess I better update everyone for after the storm. We have power and never lost it. It really doesn't even look like anything ever came. No limbs in the yard, no water in the yard, nothing blown over. Just a heavy shower over here really. Although there was heavy wind. All and all, no big deal.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Finding my faith

The time has come for me to start trying to find my faith. I have felt this tug at my heart now for quite sometime and everyday that passes the tug gets stronger and stronger. I want to have faith and I believe in Him I just have to figure out how to get it in my life. I have started talking and praying to Him and I feel that now is the time to get my life on track. With a toddler at home and a husband I love so much, I know that we both want to find our faith. But I have to find my faith first and then I can help my hubby find his. We have both been through so much, religion wise, and it has taken me 10 years to get over it.

Now I feel that I can forgive and move on. Those people back then didn't know what they were saying. Now that I have forgiven maybe I can find my own faith. I know it won't happen overnight and it will take some time, but with my belief and my newly discovered friends, I am sure in time I will find my faith.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Crazy at work..

I tell you can work possibly kill me anymore? I went into work at 6:30am and I was actually really far ahead than usual which I was really syched by. Then all hell broke loose. Customers started coming in. And they kept coming ALL DAY LONG! Buying water, 40 gallons at a time. No I am not kidding. I had 2 customers come through my line and by 40 gallons of water! What the hell are you going to do with all of that? I mean, I know there is a storm and all but 40 gallons? Seriously people, calm down. It's going to be ok. Plus, people buying 8-10 loaves of bread. And this was happening at 8 am. I needed a loaf of bread so I went over tot he bread aisle and the bread was almost all gone. 1 hour after we opened our doors. I know that some people freak out when even the thought of a storm is mentioned but you have to give other people the basic needs in life. Stop buying it all for yourself because you are scared you are going to be left alone for weeks and weeks at a time. Not going to happen.

On top of that, I was suppose to leave at 3pm today. You know what time I got out of there? 5:30pm! That's right! 11 hour day. Lucky me.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Some disappointing news.

So James and I have been planning our 1st family vacation for about 2 months now and we were planning on taking it the first full week of October. First we were going to DC, his cousins live up there and they said we could stay with them anytime we wanted. But then they never got back to us. So then we decided we would go to the Virginia Beach area. I have a cousin that lives up there and they wanted us to come up and stay with them for a while. We were all set to go and then we find out that they are going to have to work that whole week that we are there. no big deal to us. We didn't care. We would just go shopping and stuff until they got home, you know, and then spend time with them. Well, they didn't like that. They want us to come while they are off. Sorry, we can change our whole vacation days because you are working. I know it isn't their fault but geez! Something has got to start going right for us around here. Now we are stuck at home, again, like we always do because we can't afford a rental car AND a hotel. I am so bummed right now.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday morning..

Carly and I are both sick this morning. We both have pretty bad colds. Daddy has a cold too. Weird though because we don't usually get sick in the summer. I think something is going around because a lot of people are sick at work. Who knows.

I have to go to work again tonight. I so don't like working on Tuesday nights. We have have to take everything down because our sale ends tonight. Too much work. But they trust me to get it all done and I always do. I wonder what would happen if I became a slacker? Hell, that's what half the people at work do anyways and they seem to get away with it. Maybe I can... I doubt it though.

Well, I gotta go chase after my child. She's running all around the house this morning. At least she seems to be ok being sick.

Monday, September 1, 2008

First One

Ok, So This is my first blog on here and I intend for this to be like my diary. For those of you who don't know me, or don't know me well, I am very open and if there is ever anything that is on my mind, you will know. I don't hide anything from anyone. Just a fair warning to those who may read my blogs.

Today I had to work. Working on Labor day. How much fun is that? We were so slow at work today. I get so tired of working so much. But, at least I won the Employee of the Month for September. That's not bad. Got a free $25 gift card. I chose Toys r Us so we can use it on Carly.

Well, that's all for today. More to come tomorrow hopefully!